2023 Pastors Conference Registration Now Open

The 2023 Pastors Conference scheduled for November 14-16 in Orlando, FL is now open for registration.

This conference is for pastors and their wives, church leaders, and anyone who hopes to someday be a pastor or church planter. It’s a time for both teaching and fellowship. Most of all, we gather as pastors around God’s Word to celebrate the glorious gospel and better apply it to the churches we love and serve.

We live in a culture that turns the truth upside down, which can bring pressures upon the church, and create challenges for pastors to lead through. Therefore, the theme of our conference, “The Church of Christ and the Triumph of the Truth” couldn’t be more timely because we need to be reminded that we are the church of Jesus Christ that is built upon the sure foundation of God’s infallible word. With a desire to serve you, we have designed our five main sessions to equip you to continue to hold fast to the word of life so that you can protect and strengthen your church in a way that it remains as a beacon of light in a crooked and twisted generation (Philippians 2:15-16).
