Posts tagged Ecclesiastes
A Must Read: Everyday is a Bad Day by Carolyn Mahaney

On May 26, 2019 Desiring God posted an article written by Carolyn Mahaney entitled “Every Day’s a Bad Day: How Ecclesiastes Taught Me to Enjoy Life.” The article contains so much wisdom and practical help that I wanted you to read it by clicking on the link below. To stir your interest, here is a quote from Carolyn’s article.

After decades of ministry, what is one piece of advice I wish I had received as a young woman? Study the book of Ecclesiastes.

Ecclesiastes has shown me the secret of enjoying life, even in the midst of trouble. It has rescued me from disillusionment when labors I thought were fruitful appeared to be for naught. When friends have turned their backs, Ecclesiastes has helped me guard against bitterness. It has cured me of setting my hope on a particular outcome, and protected me from becoming bewildered and disheartened by bad news.

In short, Ecclesiastes made me a realist, and yet I’m happier than ever before.

Yes! This article is a must read!

Mark Prater is the Executive Director for Sovereign Grace and serves as an elder at Covenant Fellowship Church. He and his wife, Jill, have three married daughters and a growing number of grandchildren.