God, Technology, and the Christian Life by Tony Reinke

Recently on the podcast, I recommended Tony Reinke’s book: God, Technology, and the Christian Life. We all interact with technology as it pushes into our lives raising both theological and even ethical questions. Tony does an excellent job answering these questions and develops a theology of technology. I highly recommend this book. If you’d like to learn more about the book recorded on the podcast, watch, listen or read the transcript below.

Mark Prater
The Value of Women in the Mission of the Church

In the Spring 2023 Sovereign Grace Journal article, The Value of Women in the Mission of the Church, Jace Hudson, Lead Pastor, Covenant of Grace Church (Copley, OH), holds out a biblical vision of manhood and womanhood, equally made in his image, and positions us to honor the equality and value of women in the highest way possible.

While Scripture clearly teaches that God has given men the responsibility to lead in the home and church, this does not mean that in all other matters men and women are interchangeable. They are not. To assume so is a very egalitarian idea.

The project of egalitarianism has been to file down the uniqueness of the sexes. Equality for all has become equality of all. Our culture argues that men and women are equal in worth and in every other way. Women can go to war while men stay home and raise the kids. The two sexes are interchangeable. But think about that. If men and women are interchangeable, neither is indispensable. Said another way, if the two are interchangeable, either is dispensable.

This is where egalitarianism leads, but complementarianism goes somewhere altogether different.

Jace Hudson
Welcome Pastors College Class of 2024

Please join us in praying for incoming Pastors College students and their families as they'll start arriving in Louisville in a few weeks.  Thank you!

2023 Pastors Conference Registration Now Open

The 2023 Pastors Conference scheduled for November 14-16 in Orlando, FL is now open for registration.

This conference is for pastors and their wives, church leaders, and anyone who hopes to someday be a pastor or church planter. It’s a time for both teaching and fellowship. Most of all, we gather as pastors around God’s Word to celebrate the glorious gospel and better apply it to the churches we love and serve.

We live in a culture that turns the truth upside down, which can bring pressures upon the church, and create challenges for pastors to lead through. Therefore, the theme of our conference, “The Church of Christ and the Triumph of the Truth” couldn’t be more timely because we need to be reminded that we are the church of Jesus Christ that is built upon the sure foundation of God’s infallible word. With a desire to serve you, we have designed our five main sessions to equip you to continue to hold fast to the word of life so that you can protect and strengthen your church in a way that it remains as a beacon of light in a crooked and twisted generation (Philippians 2:15-16).

Sovereign Grace Music Resources

Recently on the Mark Prater Podcast, Mark talked about his gratitude for Sovereign Grace Music and highlighted several resources including Worship Matters Intensive Videos; a 12 part video series for song leaders, musicians and vocalists, as well as the twice a year Worship Matters Intensive seminar in Louisville, and the Worship God conference held every two years.

“I just thank God for Sovereign Grace Music, in particular for the leadership of Bob Kauflin and now alongside of him, David Zimmer and Devon Kauflin who are just serving our churches in many ways. And they're doing that well. And it's not just what they produce in songs or training resources. It's the heart with which they do it. They love the local church and so they want to serve all churches, but they hold a special place in their heart for Sovereign Grace churches. And I think that's captured in their mission statement. Sovereign Grace Music exists to produce Christ exalting songs and training for the Church, big "C" Church, any church, from our local churches, from the churches of Sovereign Grace. Most of what's produced springs from Sovereign Grace churches. So you hear in that a heart for the local church and for Sovereign Grace churches in particular. And so I just thank God for them. They have been serving us so well in a number of ways: the Sound and Doctrine podcast, the Worship God conferences every other year, the training resources that we're gonna talk about today, and Bob's book, Worship Matters. All of those are just some of the ways that Sovereign Grace Music serves us so well and gives us reasons to thank God for Sovereign Grace Music, and for Bob and David and Devon.” ~Mark Prater

Church Planting in Italy

An update from Ed O’Mara, our SG Church Planter in Torino, Italy

“Italy is celebrated for its rich history, friendly people, and unparalleled cuisine. It is also well-known for its deeply entrenched Roman Catholicism. Every city and village in Italy is influenced by the Catholic Church. Though Italy is religious it is also incredibly dark. Less than 1% of its 60 million people understand the gospel. Oppressive traditions strangle out the testimony of Jesus’ sole-sufficiency and replace it with a works-based lie. The young generation rejects faith making Italy a post-Christian, spiritually-dead country. It may surprise you to know that someone is 4 to 10 times more likely to hear the gospel in China, Egypt, or Indonesia than Italy!”

“We are not content to see this continue. We intend to fight this decline and spread the hope of Christ’s finished work by planting the first of, Lord willing, many Sovereign Grace churches in Italy.”
